“Still I Rise” Essay

Describe how techniques have been used in the text. Explain how these techniques have been used to create a particular effect.

In the poem, Still I Rise written by Maya Angelou, a few techniques which have been used to create a particular effect are; poetic comparisons, repetition and the use of historical references. Maya Angelou most likely used these techniques to emphasise the point of overcoming oppression which is the main idea she was trying to portray in this poem.  

Poetic comparisons are used to create the effects of great achievement in the face of near-impossible odds. Maya Angelou uses metaphors and similes to create an effect in this poem. They are used to show how she has overcome the terrible act of racism throughout her rough upbringing. “You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I’ll rise.” This poetic comparison is showing the reader that no matter how many times Maya Angelou has been brought down by others she has still risen above the oppression and violence around her. Maya Angelou uses metaphors and similes in her writing to express and show how violent, direct and aggressive the oppression she faces everyday is. She often uses harsh verbs such as “shoot… kill… cut” because these are things that people have tried to do to her in the past to tear her down. However after using these harsh verbs she uses the simile “But still, like air, I’ll rise” this shows that she does not let other people’s hateful words tear her down and instead she uses them to improve herself and become a powerful, successful woman.

In this poem Maya Angelou repeats words such as “I rise” many times to reiterate the fact that she will rise above the oppression which she is faced with constantly and at the end of it she will become a better person. Maya Angelou uses the phrase “Still… I’ll rise” at the end of many of the stanzas which brings the poem back to the main idea which is rising up and moving forward to a positive future. She uses the phrase “Still… I’ll rise” as it shows how she will overcome injustice and oppression, and “like dust, I’ll rise.” Maya Angelou repeats the words “I rise” five times in the last stanza to break the structure of the poem just like how she broke the structure of society by rising above the hate and using her voice to express her opinions and thoughts. 

Lastly, Maya Angelou includes the use of historical references in her poem to create the feeling of a harsh and difficult history. “Out of the huts of history’s shame” shows that although she has come from a background of slavery, despite everything going on she will still rise above the hate. By including historical references in this poem, it connects the reader with her life experiences and shows some of the brutal history of African-Americans living as slaves. Because of this the reader feels required to reflect back on all the horrible ways black people were treated in the past. “Shoulders falling down like teardrops” is asking the reader if they are expecting to see Maya Angelou’s shoulders falling down but instead she is rising above the racism around her and standing proud of who she is. Maya Angelou also uses phrases such as “like dust, I’ll rise.” This shows that no matter how many people have put her down in the past because of her race, she will still rise above the hate around her. 

Throughout the poem, ‘Still I Rise’, Maya Angelou has used many techniques to create a particular effect in this poem. She has created an effect in this poem by using techniques such as poetic comparisons, repetition and the use of historical references.

By Annalise Millar

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